What We Believe
Everyone Is Welcome
Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church welcomes ALL people to participate in the life and ministry of the congregation. No matter who you are or what season of life you are in, you are welcome at Our Saviour’s. We invite you to join us in loving God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and loving your neighbors as you love yourself.
God Loves Everyone
We believe that God is love and has created all things in love and for love. God lives in loving community as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. God loves each of us and demonstrated that love through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. God draws us into relationship with God, one another and the world. We believe that God is working to restore, reconcile and redeem all things. God invites us to participate with God in this life-giving work. We believe that God is vibrantly active in the world revealing goodness, joy and beauty.
We Are Broken People
We believe that sin is essentially our inability to love God, other people and all of creation with perfect selflessness. We believe that we are in bondage to sin and cannot free ourselves. Unable to completely love, trust and depend upon God, we act out of self-interest and self-preservation. Our sin breaks God’s heart because it falls short of God’s perfect love.
Jesus Heals Our Brokenness
We believe that Jesus is God’s Son and the One through whom salvation has come for all people and all creation. God is fully revealed in Jesus. Jesus’ death and resurrection are God’s final word that life and love win over sin and death. As we encounter God’s work in Jesus we are drawn into this freedom and empowered to live a new life.
The Holy Spirit Sustains Us
We believe that the Holy Spirit is the active presence of God in all of creation. The Spirit calls us to life through the Gospel, comforts us in hardship, shapes and empowers us for service, and sends us into the world to participate in God’s mission and ministry.
The Bible Shares God’s Living Story
We believe that the Bible is the inspired witness of God’s people throughout history. We believe that the Bible points to Jesus, who is the Word of God in the flesh. While God speaks to us through the written word, we read it through the lens of Jesus, the Living Word.
The Church Exists to Love God and Love People
We believe that the Church is the universal gathering of God’s people, set apart and sent into the world. The church partners with God in God’s mission. Empowered and guided by the Holy Spirit we are called to love, worship and glorify God and proclaim God’s love and forgiveness in our words and actions.