Resource Links
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) consists of more than 10,300 congregations across the U.S., Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands, as well as 4.5 million members nationwide.
The Oregon Synod
The Oregon Synod is one of the 65 synods of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. It includes over 35,000 Lutherans in 120 congregations.
Women of the ELCA
Women of the ELCA iis a women’s organization that gathers for service, study, advocacy and fellowship.
Camp Lutherwood
Camp Lutherwood is located in the foothills of the Coast Range near Chesire. It has programs for people of all ages , including summer camp for youth and families.
Living Lutheran
Living Lutheran is a great section of the ELCA website full of stories, photos, videos and more.
Lutheran World Relief
Lutheran World Relief works with Lutherans and other partners around the world to end poverty, injustice and human suffering.