What to Expect
Lutherans are a “liturgical” church. “Liturgy” literally means “work of the people.” A typical Lutheran service is interactive. The congregation is involved through singing, reading and praying. Our worship follows a set pattern: Gathering, Word, Meal and Sending.
When you arrive, an usher will give you a bulletin. It includes all the hymns, readings, prayers and responses used during worship. Large print bulletins are available, as are hearing assistance devices. Ask an usher for assistance.
Feel free to participate in any portion of the service or just watch, listen and learn.
What should I wear? There is no dress code. God will be happy to see you whether you dress casually or formally.
Are children welcome? Yes! The sound of children breathes life into our community. Activity bags are available for children to use during worship. Activity sheets focusing on the Sunday lessons are available for both readers and non-readers. Ask an usher for them.
Will I have to introduce myself? You’ll be warmly greeted when you arrive. You may choose whether or not to introduce yourself. You will not be asked to stand and introduce yourself during worship.
If I include my email and/or address on the registration card, will I be put on a regular mailing list? Absolutely not! You may receive a follow-up contact or two, but we will not bombard you with mail or email.
How will I know when to stand or sit? There are arrows in the bulletin that indicate when to stand or sit. The pastor will also invite the congregation to sit and stand at the appropriate times.
Will I be expected to make the sign of the cross during the service? Some people choose to. You may do whatever you prefer.
Will I have to sing? No. Music is an important part of Lutheran worship and we hope you will join in when you feel comfortable. The words and notes to the songs and liturgy are printed in the worship bulletin.
What do I do during the sharing of the peace? This is a chance to greet people around you and share God’s peace. People wander around a bit shaking hands and sharing greetings such as “Peace of the Lord” or just a simply “Good morning.”
Do I have to be Lutheran to commune? All who believe that Jesus is their Savior and that Jesus is truly present in the bread and wine are welcome to commune.
What do I do at Communion? You will come down the center aisle when directed by an usher. The pastor will give you the bread wafer. If you prefer a gluten free wafer, simply let the pastor know. You then proceed to one of the servers holding the cups. Dip the wafer in either the cup with red wine or white grape juice. Don’t worry if you forget and eat your wafer before dipping - your server will give you another one. You may then return to your seat by using the side aisle. Adults and children who are not communing may come forward for a blessing. If you are physically unable to come forward, tell an usher and Holy Communion will be brought to you. If you do not wish to participate in Holy Communion, simply remain seated.
Do I have to give an offering? As our guest, please do not feel obligated to contribute. Simply pass the offering plate on if you choose.