History of Our Saviour’s
Our Saviour’s began in 1950 with a small group who wanted to organize a Lutheran church in Lebanon. They began meeting in the V.F.W. Hall. Eventually money was raised for the church building on 5th and “C” Streets. The church baptized 190 infants and 96 adults and confirmed 84 youth and 131 adults during these years. There were also 31 weddings and 47 funerals. Three pastors served during 1950-1960. Junior and Senior youth leagues, an Altar Guild, Young Adults Group and a Woman’s Missionary League were formed.
During these years, a church cemetery was acquired. New hymnals and a church bus were purchased. Some remodeling took place, including a new altar and pews. A Boy Scout troop and youth basketball teams were organized. A new parsonage was purchased and two more pastors served the church.
1975 – 1990
These years saw the addition of an Associate Pastor, Visitation Pastor and a Parish Assistant. A new organ, carpeting and roof were installed. Two pastors and an interim pastor served during this era. One highlight was the 1982 purchase of acreage in south Lebanon.
Construction began on the new church building on South Main. The building on 5th and “C” was sold. The first service in the new building was held on Dec. 20, 1992. Work was completed over the next couple of years and the building was dedicated on Dec. 11, 1994. Five pastors and 2 interim pastors have served during this time. As the church grew, a youth and family minister was added and a preschool was started. Land adjacent to the church was purchased and is now the Garden of Eatin’ Community Garden. Outreach into the community continues to grow with involvement in the Homeless Education Program, Habitat for Humanity, Laundry Love, Weekend Backpack Program, Lutheran World Relief and more. The people of Our Saviour’s daily live out the ELCA motto “God’s Work. Our Hands.”