Welcome to our community of faith
Sundays @ 9:30
Worship is central to our lives and all that we do at Our Saviour’s. We welcome and encourage you to join us in praising the God who creates us, gives us new life in Christ and transforms us through the power of the Holy Spirit. Our worship is enriched by the participation of those who gather.
The Word of God stands at the center of our faith. We believe, teach and preach from this dynamic revelation of God’s presence with us. They are ancient words that continue to have a message for our contemporary age. In our community of faith the Scriptures are understood as the authoritative word from God and then interpreted Word for a changing, questioning and hungering world.
Holy Communion is celebrated at every Sunday. In Holy Communion we receive the forgiveness of sin and renewal of life. All who trust in the power of the Risen Christ and trust that he is truly present are welcome at the table. It is Christ’s feast and the invitation comes from him, not from us.